United Kingdom

MCC 5992 - Florists

mcc 5992

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5992 is designated for businesses categorized as florists. This MCC is primarily used by businesses specializing in the retail sale of fresh flowers, floral arrangements, and ancillary floral-related services. Florists often cater to a range of customer needs, from everyday occasions to special events such as weddings, funerals, and corporate functions.

Category: Miscellaneous Stores

Types of Services

  • Floral arrangements and bouquets: Custom and pre-made floral designs for various occasions.
  • Plant sales: Includes the sale of potted plants, succulents, and other greenery.
  • Floral decoration services: Floral décor for events, weddings, and corporate functions.
  • Delivery services: Same-day or scheduled delivery of flowers and plants.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5812: Eating Places and Restaurants: While primarily for dining establishments, some restaurants offer floral services for events held on their premises.
  • MCC 5300: Wholesale Clubs: Although mainly for wholesale goods, these clubs might offer floral products at discounted prices, differing from retail florist services.
  • MCC 5261: Lawn and Garden Supply Stores: Stores in this category primarily sell garden supplies but may offer a florist section for plant and flower sales.


  • What types of transactions are typically processed under MCC 5992?
    - Transactions typically include the sale of fresh and artificial flowers, potted plants, and floral arrangement services.
  • Do online florists fall under MCC 5992?
    - Yes, online florists that sell and deliver flowers typically use MCC 5992 for transactions.
  • Can a garden center use MCC 5992?
    - Yes, if the garden center includes a florist department focusing on floral arrangements, it can use MCC 5992.
  • Is MCC 5992 applicable for events only?
    - No, it covers all floral-related transactions, including everyday sales and special occasions.

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