
MCC 5199 - Goods

mcc 5199

MCC 5199, known as "Goods," is a flexible category primarily designed for wholesale distributors that deal in non-specialized products. This category is integral to businesses that sell a diverse range of goods, encompassing suppliers and service providers in various industries. The primary purpose of MCC 5199 is to offer a broad classification for businesses whose operations don't fit into more niche-specific category codes.

Category: Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers

Types of Services

  • Wholesale Distribution: Businesses engaged in the wholesale distribution of various goods that do not require specialization.
  • General Goods Suppliers: Companies that provide general merchandise to retailers, institutions, or other businesses.
  • Commercial Importers/Exporters: Entities involved in importing and exporting a wide array of goods, supplying multiple retail sectors.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5045: Computers, Peripherals and Software: This MCC is specific to technology products, differing from the general merchandise focus of MCC 5199.
  • MCC 5111: Stationery, Office Supplies, Printing and Writing Paper: While also involved in wholesale, this code is specialized for office and stationery supplies.
  • MCC 5261: Nurseries, Lawn and Garden Supply Stores: Focuses specifically on gardening and nursery supplies, unlike the broader scope of MCC 5199.


  • What types of goods fall under MCC 5199?
    - MCC 5199 covers a wide range of non-specialized goods typically distributed through wholesale channels.
  • Is MCC 5199 suitable for retailers?
    - Generally, MCC 5199 is not for retail operations and is more suitable for wholesale distributors.
  • Can service-oriented businesses use MCC 5199?
    - Typically, MCC 5199 is not ideal for service-oriented businesses as it is oriented towards the distribution of physical goods.

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