New Zealand

MCC 4761 - Telemarketing

mcc 4761

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 4761 is designated for businesses primarily engaged in telemarketing services. This category is used for companies that conduct sales and marketing through phone calls, mail orders, or online interactions. These businesses focus on reaching potential and existing customers to promote and sell products or services, often including subscription renewals, surveys, or fundraising activities.

Category: Transportation Services

Types of Services

  • Retail Sales: Telemarketing firms promoting and selling tangible products directly to consumers.
  • Service Subscriptions: Companies offering subscription-based services, including magazines, entertainment, or online content.
  • Charitable Fundraising: Organizations soliciting donations through telephone campaigns.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5964: Direct Marketing - Catalog Merchants: Focuses on selling products through printed or digital catalogs sent to consumers.
  • MCC 5965: Direct Marketing - Combination Catalog and Retail: Covers businesses that operate both a catalog and a physical store presence.
  • MCC 5969: Direct Marketing - Other Direct Marketers: Encompasses niche direct marketing activities not explicitly listed under other MCCs.


  • What kinds of businesses are included under MCC 4761?
    - Businesses engaged in sales and marketing through calls, such as home shopping networks or subscription services.
  • Are donation solicitations part of MCC 4761?
    - Yes, charitable organizations that use telemarketing for fundraising fall under this MCC.
  • How do businesses get assigned an MCC like 4761?
    - MCCs are assigned by payment networks based on the primary business activity, usually during the merchant account setup process.

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