New Zealand

MCC 5046 - Equipment

mcc 5046

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5046, labeled as "Equipment," primarily involves businesses that specialize in the supply and distribution of commercial and professional-grade equipment. This category encompasses entities dealing in equipment for various industries like manufacturing, healthcare, telecommunications, and more.

Category: Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers

Types of Services

  • Manufacturing Equipment: Includes businesses that supply machinery and tools necessary for industrial and manufacturing processes.
  • Medical and Dental Equipment: Covers suppliers providing specialized medical devices and tools to hospitals, clinics, and dental practices.
  • Telecommunications Equipment: Involves companies providing hardware and infrastructure necessary for communication networks.
  • Office and IT Equipment: Suppliers focusing on computers, peripherals, and other office-related electronic devices.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5045: Computers, Peripherals, and Software: Focuses specifically on the retail and wholesale of computing devices, software, and related peripherals.
  • MCC 5047: Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies: Specifically caters to equipment and supplies for healthcare industries, differing in the focus on medical channels.
  • MCC 5065: Electrical Parts and Equipment: Covers the sale and distribution of electrical components and equipment, essential yet distinct from broader equipment categories.


  • What types of transactions fall under MCC 5046?
    - Transactions predominantly involve the purchase, lease, or service of professional and commercial equipment.
  • Can a small office supply store be classified under MCC 5046?
    - Generally, only if the store deals with a substantial range of commercial-grade equipment and not just consumer office supplies.
  • How does MCC 5046 benefit businesses?
    - It helps in categorizing and understanding the spending patterns on equipment, ensuring businesses can manage their procurement processes efficiently.

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