New Zealand

MCC 5598 - Car dealerships

mcc 5598

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5598 is designated for businesses categorized as car dealerships. This MCC primarily encompasses establishments involved in the sale of new or used automotive vehicles. Car dealerships are critical components of the automotive industry, serving as the primary points of contact for consumers looking to purchase cars, including passenger vehicles, trucks, and sport utility vehicles (SUVs).

Category: Cars and vehicles

Types of Services

  • Vehicle Sales: Car dealerships primarily focus on the sale of new and pre-owned vehicles.
  • Financing and Leasing: Many dealerships offer financing options or lease agreements to facilitate vehicle purchases.
  • Trade-ins: They often accept used vehicles in exchange as part of the purchase process, determining a trade-in value for the customer's old vehicle.
  • Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs: Some dealerships also provide maintenance services, although their main role is sales.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5511: Auto and Truck Dealers (New and Used): Focuses more specifically on dealerships selling both new and used motor vehicles.
  • MCC 5533: Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores: Covers retailers that primarily sell vehicle parts and not complete vehicles.
  • MCC 5541: Service Stations: Deals with fuel supply and associated minor repair services, unlike comprehensive vehicle sales.


  • What transactions fall under MCC 5598?
    - MCC 5598 transactions typically include vehicle sales, financing, and warranties offered by car dealerships.
  • Why is MCC important for car dealerships?
    - MCCs help in categorizing the type of business for processing payments, affecting rates and terms with payment processors.
  • How does an MCC affect consumer payments?
    - It can influence credit card rewards and cashback, as some cards offer different rewards for specific MCCs.

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