New Zealand

MCC 5815 - Digital Goods

mcc 5815 Here's a structured and informative guide on MCC 5815 - Digital Goods:

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 5815 is designated for businesses that provide digital goods, which are intangible products delivered electronically to consumers. This category covers a variety of businesses that offer digital content and services, reflecting the growing digital economy. It includes entities like software companies, digital media providers, and online marketplaces for electronic content.

Category: Miscellaneous Stores

Types of Services

  • Software Products: This includes downloadable applications, software as a service (SaaS), and app purchases.
  • Digital Media: Companies offering music, movies, e-books, and subscription-based streaming services.
  • Online Gaming: Platforms offering video game downloads, in-game purchases, and subscription gaming services.
  • Educational Content: Providers of e-learning modules, digital textbooks, and online courses.
  • Digital Art and NFTs: Marketplaces for digital art and non-fungible tokens.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5734: Computer Software Stores: Covers physical stores selling software and related goods.
  • MCC 5816: Digital Goods - Games: Specifically for businesses focusing on game-related digital goods.
  • MCC 4899: Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay Television Services: For companies providing television content, distinguishing it from digital goods that are not TV broadcasts.


  • What are digital goods?
    - Digital goods are intangible products that are delivered electronically, such as downloadable software, digital media, and online services.
  • Why is MCC 5815 important for businesses?
    - This MCC helps categorize and distinguish businesses in the financial systems, assisting in transaction analysis and financial reporting.
  • Can physical goods be classified under MCC 5815?
    - No, MCC 5815 is strictly for digital goods. Physical products have different MCC classifications.

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