New Zealand

MCC 5935 - Car dump

mcc 5935

MCC 5935, referred to as "Car dump," is primarily used for businesses involved in the sale of used automotive parts and scrap metal. These businesses play a crucial role in recycling and reusing automotive components, contributing to environmental sustainability by reducing waste and the demand for new parts. Commonly, this category includes operations like salvage yards and scrap yards specializing in automotive materials.

Category: Miscellaneous Stores

Types of Services

  • Automotive Salvage Yards: These businesses dismantle vehicles to recover parts that can be reused or refurbished for sale.
  • Scrap Metal Dealers: Operations deal in buying and selling scrap metal from dismantled vehicles and other automotive sources.
  • Used Autoparts Stores: Sell refurbished and recycled auto parts to consumers and businesses, especially mechanics and garages.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5013: Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts: Focuses on businesses that sell new automotive parts and accessories.
  • MCC 5541: Service Stations: These are primarily concerned with providing fuel and other automotive services, contrasting with the recycling or salvaging focus of MCC 5935.


  • What types of businesses use MCC 5935?
    - Businesses involved in dismantling vehicles, selling used auto parts, and dealing in scrap metal.
  • How does MCC 5935 contribute to sustainability?
    - By recycling and reusing automotive parts, these businesses help reduce the demand for new parts and minimize waste.
  • What distinguishes MCC 5935 from other automotive-related MCCs?
    - MCC 5935 specifically focuses on the dismantling and sale of used automotive parts, unlike other codes that might cover new parts, complete services, or fuel sales.

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