New Zealand

MCC 5963 - Salesmen

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MCC 5963 is designated for businesses involved in direct selling activities, often referred to as 'Salesmen'. This category primarily includes individuals or companies engaged in selling products directly to consumers through non-store channels, such as door-to-door sales or direct mail. The code is pivotal for businesses that operate outside traditional retail environments, fostering direct interaction with customers.

Category: Miscellaneous Stores

Types of Services

  • Door-to-Door Sales: Includes sales activities where salespeople visit homes or offices to demonstrate and sell products directly.
  • Direct Marketing: Encompasses businesses that use direct mail, catalogs, or telephone sales to promote and sell products directly to consumers.
  • Party Plan Sales: Involves organizing parties or events to showcase products to potential customers, often used in cosmetics or home décor industries.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5964: Catalog Merchants: Focuses on businesses selling products primarily through catalogs, which may also involve direct marketing.
  • MCC 5965: Direct Marketing, Combination Catalog and Retail Merchant: Covers entities using both direct mail catalogs and retail outlets to market and sell products.
  • MCC 5962: Direct Marketing – Travel Related Arrangement Services: Pertains to businesses offering travel-related services through direct marketing methods.


  • What types of businesses fall under MCC 5963?
    - Businesses involved in direct selling methods such as door-to-door sales, party plans, and direct mail campaigns are commonly categorized under MCC 5963.
  • Why is this MCC important for direct selling?
    - This MCC helps payment processors and banks identify transactions associated with direct sales businesses, ensuring proper classification for compliance and reporting.
  • Can online sales be included under this MCC?
    - Typically, MCC 5963 focuses on more traditional forms of direct selling, though some aspects of online-based direct marketing can overlap, usually falling under separate MCCs dedicated to e-commerce.

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