New Zealand

MCC 6011 - Сashier's office

The Merchant Category Code (MCC) 6011, known as "Cashier's Office," is primarily associated with financial institutions that provide services related to cash transactions and money exchanges. This MCC is specifically designated for entities that engage in activities such as currency exchange, money transfers, and other financial services related to handling cash. Businesses categorized under this MCC typically include banks, credit unions, and various financial service providers.

Category: Service provider

Types of Services

  • Currency Exchange: Handling the exchange of foreign currencies for travelers and businesses.
  • Money Transfers: Facilitating domestic and international money transfers through wire transfers and electronic means.
  • Cash Advances: Providing cash advances on credit cards, typically involving a fee or interest charge.
  • Check Cashing: Offering services to cash checks for individuals without bank accounts or those who require immediate cash.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 6012: Financial Institutions: Covers services provided by financial institutions that may include loans, mortgages, and deposit accounts.
  • MCC 4829: Money Transfer, Wire Transfers: Specifically focused on electronic money transfers and wire services, supplementing the cash handling services of MCC 6011.
  • MCC 6536: Money Orders, Travelers Checks: Related to services such as issuing money orders and travelers checks, complementing other cash services.


  • What kind of businesses are classified under MCC 6011?
    - Businesses typically classified under MCC 6011 include financial institutions like banks, credit unions, and companies offering currency exchange and money transfer services.
  • Are all cash transactions covered under MCC 6011?
    - While MCC 6011 encompasses many cash transactions, it specifically targets those involving financial institutions related to transfers and exchanges. Cash transactions in retail or hospitality follow different MCCs.
  • How does MCC 6011 differ from MCC 6012?
    - MCC 6011 focuses specifically on cashier-related financial services like cash advances and currency exchanges, while MCC 6012 includes a broader range of financial services provided by financial institutions.

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