New Zealand

MCC 7295 - Babysitters

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Merchant Category Code 7295 is designated for businesses that provide babysitting services. This category primarily encompasses businesses and individuals offering in-home child care services. It aims to facilitate easy identification and processing of transactions related to child care activities through financial systems.

Category: Personal services

Types of Services

  • In-Home Babysitting: Temporary child care services offered at the child's residence.
  • Child Care Services: Organizations that manage babysitting professionals for periodic or on-demand child care needs.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8351: Child Care Services: Includes larger child care centers and daycares, offering structured programs and supervised activities for children.
  • MCC 7299: Miscellaneous Personal Services: This is a more general category that includes various personal services not classified under a specific MCC.


  • What types of payments typically fall under MCC 7295?
    - Payments to individual babysitters, either freelance or through an agency, often categorized under MCC 7295.
  • Can businesses use MCC 7295 for full-time daycare services?
    - No, full-time daycare services typically fall under MCC 8351, which is specific to structured child care centers.
  • How does MCC 7295 impact merchant fees?
    - Merchant fees vary by provider, but MCC 7295 categorizes transactions as personal services, which may affect the interchange rates fees applied.
This structure is designed to convey important information about MCC 7295 in a clear, engaging, and professional manner.

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