New Zealand

MCC 7399 - Business Services

mcc 7399

MCC 7399, known as Business Services, is a broad category that encompasses a variety of professional service providers. These businesses offer specialized services that support the operations of other companies but do not fit neatly into more specific MCC categories. Typical entities under this code include consulting firms, marketing agencies, and various professional service providers that play a crucial role in enhancing business functions and efficiency.

Category: Business Services

Types of Services

  • Consulting Services: Firms providing strategic, operational, or technological advice to businesses looking to improve their performance.
  • Marketing and Advertising Services: Agencies offering promotional strategies, content creation, and campaign management to increase brand awareness and sales.
  • Security Services: Companies ensuring the physical and digital safety of business assets through systems, personnel, or cybersecurity measures.
  • Research and Development: Providers engaged in innovative activities aiming to improve existing products or create new ones.
  • Translation Services: Businesses providing linguistic translation for documents, meetings, or communications.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 7311: Advertising Services: More specifically targeted at businesses focused solely on advertising without extensive marketing services.
  • MCC 7338: Quick Copy, Reproduction, and Blueprinting Services: Covers print-specific business services, distinct from broader business services offerings.
  • MCC 7392: Management, Consulting, and Public Relations Services: Encompasses firms providing management consultancy and PR, which can overlap with other professional services under MCC 7399.
  • MCC 8999: Professional Services (Not Elsewhere Classified): A complementary MCC for professional services not listed under any other specific code.


  • What kinds of businesses typically fall under MCC 7399?
    - Businesses providing a variety of professional services, ranging from consultancy to R&D, without fitting into more specific MCCs, typically fall under MCC 7399.
  • Why is my consulting business categorized under MCC 7399?
    - Consulting services are a core component of business services, which makes MCC 7399 an appropriate categorization due to its encompassing nature.
  • Does MCC 7399 include IT services?
    - Yes, if the IT services are broad business-oriented, but specific IT services might fall under more accurate MCCs, like MCC 7372 for software programming and systems design.
  • How can a business ensure correct MCC classification?
    - Accurate classification may involve consulting with your payment processor to assess the services offered and determine the most fitting MCC.

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