New Zealand

MCC 7641 - Furniture repair

mcc 7641

MCC 7641 is designated for furniture repair services. This category encapsulates businesses primarily focused on the restoration, maintenance, and repair of furniture. These services are essential for both homeowners and businesses looking to preserve the integrity and appearance of their furniture pieces. This code applies to specialized furniture repair shops as well as independent contractors offering such services.

Category: Repair services

Types of Services

  • Residential Furniture Repair: Services include remedial work on sofas, chairs, tables, and other household furniture, addressing wear, tear, and minor damages to prolong furniture life.
  • Commercial Furniture Restoration: Involves the repair and maintenance of furniture used in offices, restaurants, hotels, and other commercial settings, ensuring durability and maintaining aesthetics.
  • Antique and Custom Furniture Work: Offers specialized repair services for antiques and custom-built furniture, including refinishing and reupholstering to restore original conditions and value.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 5712: Furniture, Home Furnishings, and Equipment Stores: This covers businesses selling furniture as opposed to repairing it.
  • MCC 5932: Used Merchandise and Second-Hand Stores: Includes stores that resell furniture but may not offer repair services.
  • MCC 7538: Automotive Repair Shops: Although outside the furniture domain, both involve repair work and similar skill sets in service delivery.


  • Who uses MCC 7641?
    - Businesses or individuals who specialize in the repair and maintenance of furniture use this MCC.
  • Is refinishing furniture included under MCC 7641?
    - Yes, refinishing furniture is considered part of the repair and restoration services within MCC 7641.
  • Can a business offering both furniture sales and repair use MCC 7641?
    - They may use MCC 7641 for their repair services, but they would likely use MCC 5712 for the sales aspect.

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