New Zealand

MCC 7911 - Dance studios. Dance schools

mcc 7911

The Merchant Category Code 7911 is assigned to businesses primarily engaged in offering dance instruction and related services. These businesses include dance studios and dance schools, which cater to individuals of all ages and skill levels interested in improving their dance techniques, whether for professional purposes, recreational enjoyment, or personal fitness. MCC 7911 encompasses establishments that provide group classes, private lessons, and specialized workshops across a variety of dance styles.

Category: Entertainment services

Types of Services

  • Dance Instruction: Offering lessons in ballet, hip-hop, salsa, ballroom dancing, and many other styles.
  • Choreography Services: Providing choreography for events such as weddings and corporate events.
  • Performance Preparation: Helping individuals prepare for dance competitions and performances.
  • Workshops and Special Events: Hosting events that may focus on particular dance styles or techniques.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 7922: Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Pictures), Ticket Agencies: Covers businesses involved in producing theater events, different from instructional dance services.
  • MCC 7991: Physical Fitness Facilities: Includes gyms and fitness centers that might offer dance as part of their fitness classes, focusing more on physical fitness rather than technical dance instruction.
  • MCC 7832: Motion Picture Theaters: Though related to entertainment, this category is specifically for cinema establishments, differing from live dance instruction settings.


  • Can a yoga studio use MCC 7911?
    - No, yoga studios would typically fall under a different MCC specific to fitness or yoga-related services such as MCC 7991 for broader physical fitness.
  • Are dance competitions categorized under MCC 7911?
    - Dance competitions themselves often fall under event planning or entertainment services, not directly under MCC 7911, which is focused on instruction.
  • Can online dance instruction services use this MCC?
    - Depending on the payment processing setup and card network rules, online services might fit this MCC if they are primarily focused on dance instruction.

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