MCC 7932 - Billiard

MCC 7932 is designated for businesses within the billiard and pool room industry. This code is primarily used to classify establishments where playing billiards or pool is the main activity. These businesses typically provide billiard tables, pool cues, and a recreational environment for social gatherings and sporting entertainment.
Types of Services
- Recreational Facilities: Businesses offering facilities for playing billiards and related activities, often including a lounge or bar area.
- Tournament Hosting: Places organizing and hosting billiard tournaments for amateurs and professionals.
- Equipment Rentals and Sales: Some establishments rent or sell billiard equipment like cues and table fittings.
Related MCCs
- MCC 7993: Video Amusement Game Supplies: Includes arcades and establishments supplying arcade games; distinct from billiards.
- MCC 7933: Bowling Alleys: Covers places primarily focused on bowling activities rather than billiards.
- MCC 7997: Membership Sports and Recreation Clubs: Clubs offering a wider variety of sports, possibly including billiards as one of many activities.
- Is food and drink service typically part of billiard establishments?
- Yes, many billiard locations offer food and beverage services to enhance customer enjoyment while playing. - Do billiard halls need specific licenses?
- Generally, they need business licenses; if serving alcohol, they also require a liquor license. - How can transactions under MCC 7932 affect merchant fees?
- Transaction fees may vary based on agreements with card networks and providers, often reflecting average industry risk and transaction volume.
MCC Categories
Agricultural Services Airlines Business Services Car rent Cars and vehicles Clothing stores Contract services Entertainment services Government Services Hotels / Resorts Mail / Telephone Sales Membership оrganizations Miscellaneous Stores Not categorized Personal services Professional services Repair services Retail Outlet Services Service provider Transportation Services Utility Services Wholesale suppliers and manufacturers