New Zealand

MCC 7998 - Aquariums. Dolphinariums

mcc 7998

MCC 7998 is designated for businesses operating Aquariums, Dolphinariums, and similar establishments. This category primarily serves the entertainment and educational sectors, focusing on providing experiences and exhibits of aquatic life. This MCC is important for businesses that offer customers the opportunity to learn about and observe marine animals in settings designed to replicate natural habitats.

Category: Entertainment services

Types of Services

  • Exhibits and Tours: Guided tours and self-exploration opportunities where visitors can observe aquatic life and learn about conservation efforts.
  • Educational Programs: Workshops, lectures, and interactive exhibits aimed at educating the public on marine biology and ocean conservation.
  • Entertainment Events: Shows and performances involving trained marine animals to entertain and engage visitors.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 7991: Tourist Attractions & Exhibits: Covers a wider range of attractions, including historical sites and museums, that may have exhibitions beyond marine life.
  • MCC 7996: Amusement Parks, Carnivals, and Circuses: Used for entertainment venues that offer rides and attractions beyond displays of marine animals.
  • MCC 7999: Recreation Services: Includes general recreation services not covered by specific MCCs like 7998, and might include other types of parks or recreational activities.


  • What types of transactions fall under MCC 7998?
    - Purchases of entry tickets, membership packages, and educational program fees at aquariums and dolphinariums.
  • Are standalone dolphin or sea lion shows covered under this MCC?
    - Yes, as long as the primary function of the business relates to the exhibition or educational presentation of marine life.
  • Is this MCC only for non-profit organizations?
    - No, both for-profit and non-profit aquatic facilities can be categorized under MCC 7998.

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