New Zealand

MCC 8299 - Education

mcc 8299

Merchant Category Code (MCC) 8299 is designated for businesses primarily engaged in educational activities. This MCC encompasses a wide spectrum of educational institutions and services that facilitate learning and skill development. Organizations and businesses under this code provide educational services, ranging from traditional classroom settings to specialized training and enrichment programs.

Category: Professional services

Types of Services

  • Primary and Secondary Education: Schools offering K-12 education, focusing on foundational learning for children and teenagers.
  • Higher Education: Universities and colleges providing undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate degree programs across various disciplines.
  • Vocational and Technical Training: Institutions that offer career-focused training in specific trades, technologies, or applied sciences.
  • Continuing Education: Programs aimed at adults seeking to continue, update, or diversify their education and professional skills.
  • Specialized Training: Courses related to personal development, such as language courses, arts, performance arts, or cooking classes.

Related MCCs

  • MCC 8241: Correspondence Schools: Focused on distance learning, where students receive course materials and instruction remotely via online or mail.
  • MCC 8220: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools: Emphasizes institutions that primarily offer academic degrees and professional education.


  • What types of transactions are commonly processed under MCC 8299?
    - Tuition payments, enrollment fees, and educational material purchases.
  • Can extracurricular activity centers be included under MCC 8299?
    - Yes, if they offer structured learning experiences and skill development programs.
  • Is online education covered by MCC 8299?
    - Yes, online education platforms that provide learning and development content can fall under this MCC.
  • How does MCC 8299 relate to non-formal education programs?
    - It includes non-formal education programs that offer structured and intended learning tailored to improve personal and professional skills.

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